Attention Type 2 Diabetics

How to finally get your blood sugar under complete control without restrictive diets that leave you feeling deprived or with increased dependency on prescription medication!

If This Sounds Like You...

I Want to Work With You 
To Help You Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control In The Next 90 Days!

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

This is an urgent message for every type 2 diabetic who wants to keep their A1C (average blood sugar) under 5.7, but can't figure out how to do it.

Read This Before Going ANY further:

Dr. Beverly Yates
Re: Lasting Effective Blood Sugar Control
Hi, I’m Dr. Beverly Yates and I am an internationally acclaimed diabetes expert who has helped thousands of people around the world get control over their blood sugar, reclaim their energy and enjoy life again.
I’m here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about blood sugar control!
In fact, here’s the biggest problem you’re facing right now.
It’s thinking you should just give up trying to control your blood sugar, and that your situation is hopeless.
But that’s not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?
Because there is so much misinformation and utter nonsense out there, whether it’s “Dr. Google”, your (well-intentioned but wrong) friend or social media “noise”!
Which means you likely hunt and peck for tips and tricks to help you get your blood sugar under control, without really understanding what it will take for you, specifically, to succeed.
And, worst of all, most type 2 diabetics can’t get past the idea that blood sugar control can be achieved with natural methods, like lifestyle choices and supplements.

But Luckily for You There's Now A Solution to Your Problem That Doesn’t Require Prescription Medicine, Restrictive Diets or Other Life-Depriving Solutions that No One Wants to Try!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you…
There I was, an MIT trained electrical engineer who changed careers to become a Naturopathic Doctor, shifting from problem-solving with things to helping people solve their struggles with blood sugar, and trying to understand why so many people find it hard to get blood sugar under control.
The thing is, at the time I was watching so many people gradually lose their battle with their blood sugar. 
This situation used to baffle me, and it kept me up at night wondering how to really help my patients get a handle on this and solve it for good.
I was fed up. I knew I needed to find a solution. 
There had to be a better way for the patients I was seeing. This was nuts. 
The big problem was that these new patients did not really have any idea what to do to heal their blood sugar issues, achieve better control and even potentially reverse type 2 diabetes. 
They faced the personal cost in relentless fatigue, money spent on meds, brain fog, feeling achy and miserable. 
This could leave them feeling overwhelmed and frightened about their future, which holds increased threats of something serious going wrong, if their blood sugar isn’t brought under control. 
Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to going blind, losing kidney function or needing dialysis, neuropathy pain, relentless weight gain, heart attacks or strokes, and a host of other horrors, truly serious consequences.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

I realized I could use my systems approach that I learned as an engineer from MIT to tackle the problems my patients had, one by one, and help solve their blood sugar issues for once and for all.
It turned out there were 2 missing pillars for blood sugar control not taught in virtually any doctor’s office!
Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to get control of blood sugar using the 4 pillars of lifestyle that have the greatest impact on blood sugar regulation in the shortest period of time, without the need for additional prescription drugs and without the need for risky interventional therapies. 
I saw I could now consistently teach my patients how to gain control over their blood sugar and stay on track, even when life threw them obstacles.
So, I began first by assessing where my patients were starting. 
I learned about their stress levels and its contribution to blood sugar regulation. I investigated what their sleep was like and found out that missing just a couple of hours of sleep actually changed their blood sugar as well. 
I found out ways to treat their pain from neuropathy, muscle cramps and other miseries that interfere with getting a good night’s sleep, that held them hostage in this ever tightening downward spiral.
Immediately my patients started to see meaningful results and we celebrated what they were doing as their A1C started to drop into safe levels.
Bottom line: I have been able to consistently lower blood sugar levels like the A1C from numbers over 9.0 to below 6.2; and drop fasting (morning) blood sugar levels from over 200 down to 105 or less (in many cases down to 80 – 95). My patients are achieving a healthier weight in the process, many losing 8, 10, 12 or 20 pounds in as little as 10 weeks.
Building on that success, I decided to package up my program and see if it applied to more than a handful of patients. And to my delight, everybody who followed the protocol saw significant, measurable improvement.
My patients asked what it was called and I told them I didn’t have a name. One of them said you should call it the Yates Protocol, so I did.

“The Yates Protocol” guides people who struggle with potentially dangerous, chronically high blood sugar numbers to get control so they can enjoy a healthy life.

This is the exact same protocol that I use with my patients in my office each and every day.

This protocol will work for you, even if:

  • Your stress levels go up
  • You have a momentary lapse with your diet
  • You lose sleep or your sleep takes a hit 
  • Or you get off track with nutrition and exercise
The Yates Protocol makes it easy to quickly regain control and keep your blood sugars at acceptable levels.
Once your energy levels start rising and sleep is better, it gets even easier to follow the guidelines, because you will feel the difference.
And that’s why I’m so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!
So, here’s what I’ve got for you today…
If you’re a type 2 diabetic who would love for your blood sugar to be under 5.7, but can’t figure out how to do it, I have the solution you’ve been looking for…

Introducing The Yates Protocol

“The Proven Way to Get High Blood Sugar Under Control

Join 1,000s of people who’ve used the Yates Protocol to successfully lower their blood sugar to safe levels and now enjoy a healthier life, free from worries about the relentless damage from chronically high levels.

The Yates Protocol Helps You:

  • Get your blood sugar under control and lower your blood sugar A1C to 6.2 or lower (5.6 or less is possible), or your fasting (morning) blood sugar to 105 or lower (80 – 95 is possible)
  • Boost your energy levels like you enjoyed 20 years ago
  • Feel fewer aches and pains, and more comfortable in your body each and every day…
  • Enjoy more relaxed, less stressed well-being, and virtually eliminate cravings…
  • Finally, you’ll sleep like a baby each and every night
And best of all… you’ll start seeing results with the “Yates Protocol” in as little as 7 days and it costs less than eating out for lunch each day.
If you’re a type 2 diabetic who wants to reclaim control of your blood sugar and the resulting benefits, like more energy, higher sex drive, less pain, eliminating brain fog, and improved weight, then click the button below to begin the journey to healthy blood sugar levels.
Here’s to your success with controlling your blood sugar!

PS – If you feel hopeless, like this is completely out of your control, and resigned to the ongoing progression of poor health due to high blood sugar, then I need you to stop – click the button, accept my guarantee and get started. I know we can get you results.

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.


  • High blood sugar never goes on vacation; it attacks your body relentlessly and does damage everywhere all the time…
  • Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, you must take care of yourself today to make it possible to enjoy more tomorrows…
  • Your only regret will be missing out on the quality time that you could have had with your dear ones, had you gotten control of your blood sugar today.

Because I’m Absolutely Confident
I Can Help You

Start My Program Risk-Free. 
You Get 100% of the Benefit, I Take 100% of the Risk.


I’m so confident that the Yates Protocol will work for you, that if we both agree you’re a fit, after your free discovery call, I’ll guarantee a reduction in your A1C or fasting blood sugar, if you follow the exact steps of this program created specifically for you, & monitor your progress each day. You have nothing to lose but high blood sugar, and everything to gain. Click the button below to get started today.

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor.